Lightships & UFOs 2023

13th January 2023 – Tasmania, Australia

Shelley and I had an awesome 16-day holiday in Tasmania at the start of 2023, and on one of the days we visited Strathgordon at Lake Pedder. It’s a stunningly beautiful lake located in the remote south-west of Tasmania, about 150 km to the west of the city of Hobart. It was quite a hot day for Tasmania but I was keen to take photos of the natural scenery.

Beautiful scenery at Lake Pedder, Tasmania, on our holiday on 13th January 2023.

It wasn’t until I closely examined this photo on a computer screen that I spotted a distant ship over Lake Pedder or perhaps over the hills behind it. Here is a magnified crop from the above image showing the ship more clearly:

A distant ship photographed over Lake Pedder, Tasmania at 10:15 am on 13th January 2023.

While travelling along the Gordon River Road, we stopped not far from the Bitumen Bones Sculpture, and a semi-cloaked ship was photographed, showing various colours representing the energies/beings onboard the ship:

A semi-cloaked ship is photographed from Gordon River Rd, Tasmania, at 12:25pm on 13th January 2023.

5th February 2023 – Darlington, Western Australia

I was testing out my new Sigma lens (35mm ART F4 DG DN) on the 36MP Sony A7R camera from our verandah and focused on some clouds just over the tree tops to the south. When I checked the photos later I found that a ship had momentarily decloaked in one of them! Thanks Star Family for helping me test this new lens!

A ship momentarily decloaks over Darlington at 11:42 am on 5th February 2023.

18th October 2023 – Darlington, Western Australia

Today turned out to be a great day with multiple ships appearing in my photos over our place in Darlington.

The following three images are of the same ship as it was moving to the top right in the photos, but its shape is somewhat unclear and perhaps it was morphing:

A decloaked ship over Darlington – 12:44 pm 18th October 2023.
A decloaked ship over Darlington – 12:44 pm 18th October 2023.
A decloaked ship over Darlington – 12:44 pm 18th October 2023.

Moments later in the same minute, another two small ships shoot by over Darlington:

Two different ships in the same part of the sky over Darlington at 12:44 pm on 18th October 2023.

23rd October 2023 – Bellevue, Western Australia

I was sitting in the car in Bellevue (a suburb in Perth, WA) and the clouds overhead looked pretty interesting, so I took a couple of photo series out the driver’s window. Lo and behold, when I checked the photos later, a beautifully decloaked ship with a clear canopy and a smaller podship attached to the side appeared in one photo. This is an amazingly clear shot, especially of the bigger ship, and if you look carefully you can see the blue-green colours representing some of the energies/beings onboard:

A very clear decloaked ship with a canopy and a smaller podship attached on the side, over Bellevue at 2:54pm, 23rd October 2023.

20th November 2023 – Darlington, Western Australia

I love seeing finely detailed high-altitude clouds, and in my experience, Star Family like to appear among them in their lightships. This very hot day had some beautiful cloud formations and a mint-coloured, Andromedan lightship appeared near the sun in some of my photos. This is the best shot and if you look carefully, especially in the darker enhancement, you can make out a faint pyramidal energy field that the lightship is sitting within:

A small mint-coloured lightship within a faint pyramid-shaped energy field is photographed over Darlington on 20th November 2023.

21st November 2023 – Darlington, Western Australia

Here in Perth we’re currently sweltering in a record-breaking spring-time heat wave with lots of strong, hot easterly winds from the Australian desert, which brings with it extreme fire risk for this region, including the Perth hills.

Today we had some interesting clouds appearing around midday so I went out on our veranda in the hot sun and took several series of photos. In one of them, taken towards the south-east at 12:36 pm, a stunningly beautiful Lightship showing plum and gold energies had momentarily decloaked:

An absolutely stunning Lightship showing plum and gold energies momentarily decloaks over Darlington just after midday on 21st November 2023.

25th November 2023 – Darlington, Western Australia

Another really hot 40 oC day in Perth and there was more cloud around in the afternoon making it quite steamy. I took several series of photos from our veranda in the middle of the afternoon, and a really interesting lightship showed up to the south in this photo. The ship appears as if it has a transparent skin showing some interior details. The various colours within the ship represent different “energies/beings” onboard:

A very clear lightship over Darlington, appearing as if it has a transparent skin, showing some interior details, at 3:48pm 25th November 2023.

26th November 2023 – Darlington, Western Australia

A warm Sunday morning around 8:30 am and there are interesting little wispy and streaky clouds in the sky over Darlington, so felt good to take a few series of photos. After checking them later that morning I discovered there was a lot of ship activity! In this photo taken at 8:37 am, there are three semi-cloaked lightships (see arrows) shooting by just to the north. I took this photo from the veranda but over the roof, which is why the chimney and edge of the gutter are showing at the bottom of the photo. The lower Lightship (middle arrow) is a little clearer and enhanced better to show lots of beautiful soft colours representing the higher-dimensional “energies/beings” onboard (see inset).

Three semi-cloaked Lightships in the sky to the north of Darlington at 8:37am, 26th November 2023. The inset enhancement is of the middle ship.

Three minutes later, two of the Lightships returned in the sky to the east, and one of them showed particularly bright in the next photo. I used the gutter (left in the photo) to block out some of the bright morning sun to eliminate lens flare. Reducing the levels of this ship in Photoshop again revealed beautifully soft colours representing the “energies/beings” onboard:

Two bright Lightships shoot by to the east of Darlington at 8:40am, 26th November 2023. Inset enlargements are of the bottom Lightship (rotated) showing beautiful, soft colours/energies within the ship.

1st December 2023 – Darlington, Western Australia

Shelley and I went out on our veranda around 11pm with a beautiful bright starry sky. Suddenly, Star Family greeted us with a bright golden streak of a lightship over our heads travelling north-south past Canopus. Then shortly afterwards they gifted us with more than ten brief bright-white flashes over a period of about two minutes between Canopus and Achernar. I missed seeing about half of them trying to photograph the flashes but was unsuccessful. Should have tried filming it instead! We never know when they will show up and it always feels like such a beautiful gift, especially as it represents an interaction across dimensions in ‘real time’.

2nd December 2023 – Darlington, Western Australia

A beautiful sunny Saturday and we got excited when we went outside after lunch as an unusual cloud formation was forming overhead with a blade-like extension. I took many photo series of this interesting sky and discovered later that lots of Star Family ships had visited! This occurred mainly within a 3-minute period when this unusual cloud was overhead.

At 12:55 pm a long ship visited just to the south of us that reminded us of the ships we had photographed at Lake Pedder in Tasmania in January this year (see above):

A Lightship just to the south of Darlington at 12:55pm, 2nd December 2023

Then 1 minute later, at 12:56 pm, a small ship coming from the east does a power-up (lights up) as it shoots past the blade-like cloud:

A small ship does a power-up as it shoots past an unusual blade-like cloud over Darlington at 12:56pm, 2nd December 2023.

Here is the small ship doing the power up in sequence, taken from the photo series:

Enhancements of a small ship doing a power-up over Darlington at 12:56pm on 2nd December 2023.

Next in the same minute, a colourful, shimmery Lightship is photographed just above the blade-like cloud (see arrow):

A colourful, shimmery Lightship sitting above the blade-like cloud over Darlington at 12:56pm, 2nd December 2023.

Later that same minute, I’m taking a photo series to the south, and in the photos there is a small Lightship that is radically morphing its shape and colour from one frame to the next. This is not a physical ‘nuts and bolts’ craft, but a Lightship of energy that can change its appearance within a fraction of a second. Here is the first photo showing the Lightship in a plum colour:

DSC09702-morphing-lightship-appearing-in plum-colour-2nd-december-2023
‘Morphing’ Lightship appearing in plum colour over Darlington at 12:56pm, 2nd December 2023.

Here is another photo of the series showing this ‘morphing’ Lightship (far-left in the photo) forming an apricot-and-pink coloured cigar shape:

The ‘morphing’ Lightship forms an apricot-and-pink coloured cigar shape over Darlington at 12:56pm, 2nd December 2023.

The next minute, at 12:57pm, I’m taking a series of photos to the north over our roof. Two of the photos show a Lightship moving to the east. In the first photo, the Lightship appears to have its left half decloaked while its right half is still cloaked. Also notice in the enhancement, the soft pastel colours representing the energies/beings onboard the ship:

A Lightship appears to have its left half decloaked and the right half cloaked, photographed to the north of Darlington at 12:57pm, 2nd December 2023.

The next photo in the series shows the same Lightship further to the east and ascending in a semi-cloaked and more elongated form. I can’t help but feel that they just wanted to pop in to say hello! Star Family is clearly fully aware of when I’m out there taking photos and they seem to time things just right. 🙂

Second photo of the Lightship in a more elongated form moving east from Darlington at 12:57pm, 2nd December 2023.

Moments later, still at 12:57pm, I’m taking another series to the south, and six semi-cloaked Lightships (see arrows) appear in one photo, suggesting that they were all travelling together:

DSC09746-six-semi-cloaked-lightships-travelling together-over-darlington-2nd-december-2023
Six semi-cloaked Lightships travelling together over Darlington at 12:57pm, 2nd December 2023.

Here are two of the above Lightships enhanced. See the soft rainbow colours associated with each ship, representing the energies/beings onboard:

Two Lightships enhanced from the six ships in this photo. Darlington 12:57pm, 2nd December 2023.

4th December 2023 – Darlington, Western Australia

The morphing Lightship from two days ago returned at 2:47pm today! This time it came even closer, perhaps as close as 500m from me. Here is a comparison of the morphing ship from the 2nd December (see photo above) and the 4th December. They are so similar that they must be the same ship coming back after two days for another visit! (Further tuning in has revealed that this is a Venusian ship.)

DSC09702-and-DSC0657-Lightship-comparison-2nd-and 4th-december-2023
Comparison of the ‘morphing’ Venusian Lightship from the 2nd and the 4th of December 2023, Darlington, Western Australia.

This Venusian Lightship appeared in three consecutive photos taken less than 0.5 second apart. See how this ship morphs rapidly in shape and colour:

Three consecutive images of the morphing Venusian Lightship rapidly changing shape and colour, east of Darlington at 2:47pm, 4th December 2023.

Here are the three photos showing how close this Venusian ship approached, just to the east of our house in Darlington. I did not see it at the time while taking the photos. Keep in mind that this small ship would have been moving rapidly and was there for less than 1.5 seconds:

The ‘morphing’ Venusian Lightship in plum-coloured form, east of Darlington at 2:47pm, 4th December 2023.
The ‘morphing’ Venusian Lightship in apricot-coloured form at 2:47pm, 4th December 2023.
The ‘morphing’ Venusian Lightship in a semi-transparent but colourful form at 2:47pm, 4th December 2023.

There was another ship that I photographed 3 minutes later, that sat high up in the sky below the sun to the west of us. It appeared semi-cloaked with two bright square lights:

Semi-cloaked Lightship with two square lights, west of Darlington at 2:50pm, 4th December 2023.

Here is a comparison of several images of this semi-cloaked ship sitting below the sun:

Comparison of images of a semi-cloaked ship with lights sitting below the sun west of Darlington at 2:49-2:50pm, 4th December 2023

10th December 2023 – Darlington, Western Australia

Wow, lots of activity as the Lightships are continuing to show their presence, but this time on a clear Sunday evening. I went outside around 8:15 pm and a bright golden-white light caught my eye as it travelled past Jupiter. It was about as bright as Jupiter, which is brighter than Sirius at the moment. The slow-moving light was quite low down, lower than the planes that fly routinely over the Perth hills from Perth Airport. It did a gentle turn travelling past me and then towards the south-east. I was listening for a plane sound but it was silent, and there were no strobe lights or any other lights. So I ran inside and told Shelley about the Lightship and grabbed my camera with the 135mm zoom lens. We rushed to the top of our driveway and I managed to get a series of photos of it further to the south-east just before it disappeared behind trees in the distance.

Here is a photo of the Lightship (in soft-focus) with stars of the Canis Major constellation in the background, which was just to the south of Sirius. An enhancement of the Lightship is also shown with the levels reduced in the inset:

A bright, golden-white Lightship travels low past Darlington towards the south-east and is photographed with stars of the Canis Major constellation in the background.

We stayed at the top of our driveway for a bit looking towards Jupiter up in the northern sky and then Shelley spotted a dim light moving east almost directly above us. Excitedly, we waved and said hello and it gave us three bright-white flashes as a response! How cool is that!

12th December 2023 – Darlington, Western Australia

Well, it really feels like Star Family has increased their ship visits and interactions with us recently, and tonight was no exception! Shelley and I went out to the top of our driveway around 9:45 pm and almost straight away we started seeing white-light flashes from at least two Lightships just east and west of Jupiter every 5 or 10 seconds or so. Then Shelley saw a ship make a golden streak below Jupiter. One of the ships near Jupiter then moved towards Achernar, flashing intermittently as it did so. In total we counted 55 flashes in just over 10 minutes! This was so exciting!

I managed to take a few series of photos using my 36MP A7R Sony camera with the new 135mm Samyang lens in parts of the sky where the ships were flashing. The following photo shows the clearest Lightship that I have photographed just as it is powering-up bright near Jupiter. It is showing beautiful soft colours and is shaped somewhat like a cupcake! 🙂

A beautiful Lightship flashing bright during a power-up near Jupiter, photographed from Darlington at 9:52pm, 12th December 2023.

Two minutes later, I managed to photograph another lightship in the process of doing a super-bright power-up in two consecutive photos. The inset in the following photo shows the Lightship in the process of powering up. The other spots in the photo are stars near Jupiter in soft-focus:

A Lightship powers-up with a bright flash near Jupiter, photographed from Darlington at 9:54pm, 12th December 2023. Inset shows ship in two consecutive images taken 0.5 second apart.

About 30 minutes later I briefly went outside again on the driveway and asked Star Family if they were still around. Immediately a ship responded by doing a bright-white streak below the Pleiades towards Jupiter! Talk about a cool telepathic connection! 🙂

14th December 2023 – Darlington, Western Australia

It’s been a week of blue skies with no clouds, so we were pleased to see some interesting wispy clouds forming today. Shelley got out the camera and took a few series of photos just before midday, and a beautiful ship with plum colours appeared to the west of us in one of the photos:

A momentarily decloaked ship shoots by to the west of Darlington just before midday, 14th December 2023.

24th December 2023 – Port Kennedy, Western Australia

Took several hundred photos as there were beautiful clouds in the late afternoon and early evening of Christmas Eve. These two Lightships travelled very close together from west to east over Port Kennedy at 6:18 pm:

Two Lighships travelling close together over Port Kennedy at 6:18pm, 24th December 2023.

The two ships were photographed travelling together over four photos in a series, staying perfectly parallel to each other:

Two Lightships travelling close together over Port Kennedy in a series of 4 photos, 24th December 2023.

27th December 2023 – Darlington, Western Australia

Interesting clouds were forming during the day so I took some more photos. A Lightship we feel to be Venusian appeared in four consecutive photos in a series and it morphed into different forms and colours:

Venusian Lightship morphing into different forms and colours over Darlington at 12:57pm, 27th December 2023.

Here is the Venusian ship to the south of us travelling towards the east:

Venusian Lightship over Darlington at 12:57pm, 27th December 2023.