21st January 2022, Darlington, WA
From our email to friends that night: “Rob and I were out tonight around 9:20 pm on our verandah and got a beautiful flyby and flashes from ships heading towards Orion. Then Rob noticed a ship, hovering fairly low to the east of us over Glen Forrest (suburb next to Darlington), flashing red, white and green in random combinations.”
“This ship was constantly changing colours. I watched it several times through the binoculars and could see a row of lights blinking and changing colours: white, red and green, sometimes three white lights in a row, sometimes two red or three reds and other combinations of these three colours. It felt like the ship was emitting sequences of light codes.”
We ran out onto the driveway/road out the front and filmed this flashing ship, off and on for over 30 minutes! It had no noise, and a plane came and passed exactly behind it, which is also in the video (below).
So here are a couple of photos of this visitor (ship):
We’re pretty excited but also a bit bemused that they didn’t come closer to say hello.
9th September 2022, Darlington, Western Australia